Kerusi Presiden / Pengarah | Presidential Medium Back Chair | Royce Pro | Model: RC8511L-18D98



With models and options to support a variety of tasks and collaborative needs, ROYCE works to bring consistency throughout and organization. Featuring chairs perfect for all different need be it meeting room, workstation, training room, etc, ROYCE operates in a wide range of environments.


Ukuran: 670 W x 710 D x 980-1060 H

– AB18 aluminium high base
– D98 4D aluminium adjustable armrest
– MH028 rotary point synchronized mechanism (multi-locking)
– PU / leather applicable to headrest and seat only

Kusyen : Fabric / PU Leather  / Zen / Softech / Half Leather

Minima tempahan: 1 unit
Tempoh penghantaran: 7 – 14 hari bekerja selepas pembayaran.

Kerusi yg mampu berkomunikasi dengan badan anda.

Dilengkapi dengan ciri2 moden:-

– Penyandar kepala boleh laras (adjustable head rest)

– Tempat rehat lengan boleh laras (adjustable arm rest)

– Kedalaman tempat duduk boleh laras (adjustable sitting depth)

– Lengkungan penyandar belakang (back rest) yang pastinya mengikut bentuk badan anda.

Anda sememangnya mencari kerusi yg pelbagai fungsi (multi function) spt ini?


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